Tottington & District Horticultural Society


Spring Show 30th March, 2019

The trophy winners at our Spring Show held on Saturday, 30th March, 2019 are as follows

Tom Scholes Memorial Silver Tray for most number of firsts in Daffodil classes was won by Mr Michael Cooper.

Spring Shield for most number of firsts in entire show, excluding Daffodils, was won by C & K Southwell.

Daffodil Bronze Medal for best exhibit in Daffodil classes was won by Michael Cooper.

Walter Lea Cup for best bloom in Daffodil classes was won by Michael Cooper.

Dearden Trophy for best Miniature Arrangement was won by R Dearden.

Mrs John Rothwell Cup for best exhibit in Cookery classes was won by F. Hyde.

Thomas Lord Cup for best exhibit in Egg classes was won by Janet Steele.

National and Provincial Cup for best exhibit in Junior classes (up to 10 yrs) was won by Sophie Twiss.

Bury Times Trophy for best exhibit in Junior classes ( 11-16 yrs) was won by Georgi Walmsley.

Eden Garden Trophy for most firsts in all Junior classes was won by Daniel Clow.

Nancy Martin Trophy for best exhibit in handicrafts was won by Mike Saunders.