Tottington & District Horticultural Society

About Us

Tottington & District Horticultural Society was formed on 10th October 1935. Its aim was to encourage and promote an interest in Horticulture in the Tottington area. Of course, 83 years ago, the world was a very different place - no TV, internet or social media. Many people worked long hours in mills and factories and wanted to spend their leisure time in the fresh air. They took great pride in tending their gardens and allotments and enjoyed the social side of sharing their knowledge and experience. Money was tight then and they were able to grow enough fresh produce to provide for their families. Nowadays, we may not all be cooped up in factories, but we all lead busy lives, heavily reliant on technology and it's still true today that we all need to get out into the fresh air a bit more and grow our own produce. Our Society is friendly and welcoming and we are always happy to help and encourage others.


President. -

Chairman. -. Mr. Roger Brown

Secretary. -. Mrs. Dorothy Heaton

Treasurer. -. Mrs Rita King.   

Show Manager. -. Mr Ray Later

Show Secretary -. Mrs Allyson Shaw

Minutes Secretary -  Val Taylor

General Committee Members

Mr Derek Marshall

Mrs Marion Benson

Mr Keith Williams