The winners of the trophies at our Spring Show are:- The Tom Scholes Memorial Silver Tray for most 1sts in Daffodil classes went to A & M Robinson
The Spring Shield for most 1sts in entire show (excluding Daffodils went to K R Williams
Daffodil Bronze Medal for Best exhibit in Daffodil Classes went to A & M Robinson
Walter Lea Cup for Best Bloom in Daffodil Classes went to A & M Robinson
Dearden Trophy for Best Miniature Arrangement (class 49) went to R Saunders
Mrs Jean Rothwell Cup for Best exhibit in Cookery classes went to J Briggs
Secretary's Cup for Best exhibit in Wine classes went to H Sturt
Thomas Lord Cup for Best exhibit in Egg classes went to D Maden
National & Provisional Cup for Best exhibit in Junior Classes up to 10 yrs. went to Sophie Twiss
Bury Times Trophy for Best exhibit in Junior classes 11 - 16 yrs went to Daniel Clow
Eden Garden Trophy for most number of 1sts in all Junior classes went to Daniel Clow
Nancy Martin Trophy for Best exhibit in Handicrafts went to Dalia Aziz
Photos from left to right: Daniel Clow with family, Daniel Clow with Bury Times Trophy, James Frith MP with Roger Brown, and Ray, Roger, and Joyce with James Frith MP.